Person in charge/Contact person: Assoc. Prof. PhD. Luminița Mihaela Drăghicescu
Phone number: +40-722859529

VUT is a 28-year old state university whose appearance was determined by objective requests of Romanian Higher Education Development, decentralization of the huge university centers, but also, by the existence of the valuable human potential and old cultural and historical traditions in Dambovita Region. Nowadays, UVT structure comprises 10 faculties and 3 departments that propose 34 bachelor degree specializations (long-term courses of 3 or 4 years), 34 master’s degree programmes (courses of 1-2 years), 6 doctoral studies directions, but also teacher training courses and distance / lifelong learning courses. At present, around 6000 students attend all forms of study under the competent guidance of approximately 250 teachers, organized in 19 educational departments.

The institution acted/acts as coordinator or partner in various national and international projects, in the frame of different programs. At international level, projects under the European frameworks like TEMPUS, Socrates, LLP, Erasmus+, FP7 etc. contributed not only to develop the potential and the scientific expertise of the staff, but also to increase the European cooperation and awareness.

Valahia University of Targoviste has developed, as a beneficiary or partner, a number of projects meant to improve the educational process, some of them aimed at research activity, ensuring the quality of the educational process, activities addressed to students, in order to became more responsible, more motivated to learn and being active in the educational process. Among these we mention: Integration of young people at risk and facilitating their access to higher education (CNFIS-FDI-2016-0082); OptimAcademic: Quality, Ethics and Academic Integrity – Foundations for Optimizing Didactic Activity (CNFIS-FDI-2018-0069); EFI-COMFORM: Involvement, efficiency, communication and training – foundation for promoting the development of study programs and high-quality educational services at the level of the academic community of Valahia University of Targoviste (FSS 2018); Proiect ERASMUS + ”Active Cross-sectoral Cooperation for Educational and Social Succes” (A.C.C.E.S.S.) (2018-1-IT02-KA201-048481) and so on.


Link to the University


Quality Assurance System:

The quality assurance policy in VUT demonstrates the central place that quality occupies in the University’s strategy and the total involvement of the management from the highest level in the achievement of the quality objectives, namely: the development of efficient structures of bachelor degree – master’s degree – doctorate and continuous training type, compatible with those of the European Union; excellence in research; infrastructure development; improving learning conditions, social services and the quality of institutional improvement.

The Quality Management System (QMS) represents the coherent set of mechanisms, procedures, criteria, standards and performance indicators developed by adapting and detailing the quality assurance standards to the particularities of the VUT and to the requirements of the institutional quality management.

The Quality Management System is led by the VUT Rector, who sets the strategy, policy and objectives in the field of quality, monitors their knowledge and application throughout the institution, allocates and verifies the appropriate use of resources.

Increasing the quality of all processes in VUT is the fundamental objective of VUT management, in the field of quality assurance.

At the university level, with the participation of the members of the management team, there are elaborated the Quality policy, Strategic Plan, the Operational Plan (annually) and the Quality Objectives.