The quality assurance policy in VUT demonstrates the central place that quality occupies in the University’s strategy and the total involvement of the management from the highest level in the achievement of the quality objectives, namely: the development of efficient structures of bachelor degree – master’s degree – doctorate and continuous training type, compatible with those of the European Union; excellence in research; infrastructure development; improving learning conditions, social services and the quality of institutional improvement.

The Quality Management System (QMS) represents the coherent set of mechanisms, procedures, criteria, standards and performance indicators developed by adapting and detailing the quality assurance standards to the particularities of the VUT and to the requirements of the institutional quality management.

The Quality Management System is led by the VUT Rector, who sets the strategy, policy and objectives in the field of quality, monitors their knowledge and application throughout the institution, allocates and verifies the appropriate use of resources.

Increasing the quality of all processes in VUT is the fundamental objective of VUT management, in the field of quality assurance.

At the university level, with the participation of the members of the management team, there are elaborated the Quality policy, Strategic Plan, the Operational Plan (annually) and the Quality Objectives.


The success of the Valahia University of Targoviste is achieved through the continuous improvement of institutional capacity, educational efficiency and the creation of a true organizational culture, quality oriented through the implementation and development of the Quality Management System. At the center of the concerns of the management of the Valahia University of Targoviste is satisfying customer requirements by continuously improving the quality of all processes and especially of educational and research.

“VALAHIA” University of Targoviste aims to:

  • to periodically accredit / evaluate the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral study programs on the principle of economic efficiency;
  • to increase the number of bachelor’s and master’s degree study programs as well as the number
  • of doctoral fields in accordance with the requirements of the economic and social environment;
  • to be a part of the elite of Romanian universities in terms of the educational process and
  • scientific research;
  • to develop partnerships with universities in the country and abroad in the scientific research programs;
  • to participate in the formation of partnerships with the elite universities in Romania;
  • to maintain the certification of the Quality Management System;
  • to continuously improve the activity of the Teacher Training Department and the of Distance Education and Continuous Training Department in close connection with the socio-economic environment and development objectives in the medium and long term;
  • to become a credible partner in attracting projects financed from local, regional, national and European funds.

The institutional capacity of the Valahia University of Targoviste is demonstrated by the development of the material base that is found in the efforts of the management of Valahia University of Targoviste for the construction of a new university campus, the development of some modern laboratories and providing the financial resources necessary for the functioning of the Valahia University of Targoviste on a medium and long term.

The educational effectiveness of the Valahia University of Targoviste is ensured by achieving a high level of quality of educational processes, by updating the university curriculum and study programs at least once every three years, by increasing teachers` competences by training in the use of new technologies and the implementation of the obtained results from scientific research to the educational process, through communication with stakeholders and developing priority economic and social areas for society, by attracting bachelor master and doctoral students in scientific research processes.

Quality management is developed by creating a culture of quality-oriented organization towards quality in education, by documenting, implementing, maintaining and developing a System of Quality Management in accordance with the requirements of the standard SR EN ISO 9001: 2015, focused on good practices, in the fields of education and research. lmplementation, maintenance and the continuous improvement of the Quality Management System is the task of each employee. Staff motivation must be achieved at all levels and in all activities in the Valahia University of Targoviste.

RECTOR, Assoc. Prof. PhD. Laura Monica GORGHIU
Quality Assurance Policies: