University of L’Aquila

The national system for university evaluation, accreditation and quality assessment operates in accordance with the norms and guidelines establishing quality standards for higher education in the EU area. It consists in two assessment systems, an internal one carrying out assessment within every university and an external one accrediting universities and degree courses offered.

The AVA system (Self-assessment, Periodic evaluation, Accreditation) consists in a series of activities carried out in accordance with laws that introduce initial and periodic accreditation procedures of universities and the courses they offer, periodic assessment of quality, efficiency and results obtained together with enhancement of self-assessment procedures carried out by universities themselves. The Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) is in charge of defining the national system.

The University of L’Aquila Quality Assurance System relies on the following bodies to perform assessment duties:

UnivAq’s Quality Control Committee:

The University Quality Control Committee was established in 2013 to coordinate, manage, promote and monitor all activities in order to improve teaching and training in our university by activating a practical and efficient system of quality control within all study courses offered. The University Quality Control Committee supervises all quality assurance standards in accordance with the University’s Quality Assurance Policies. The QUALITI Project is carried out in collaboration with The University Quality Control Committee. The Quality Control Committee was established in 2013 to coordinate, manage, promote and monitor all activities with the aim of improving teaching and training in our university by activating a practical and efficient system of quality control within all study courses offered. The University Quality Control Committee supervises all quality assurance standards in accordance with the University’s Quality Assurance Policies.

The Quality Control Committee:

  • Defines and proposes a system of quality assurance and self-evaluation/evaluation for all courses offered (first-level degrees, master degrees, Ph.Ds, etc.)
  • Monitors the implementation of this system in all study courses offered
  • Monitors the teaching and training results obtained making them accessible for internal quality assurance and self-evaluation/evaluation
  • Promotes quality control awareness.

Teaching Programs Support Office (SUPRODI)

  • Deals with fulfilment and assessment of teaching Programs, based on programming by academic bodies and in accordance with the provisions regarding education planning;
  • Carries out interface and supporting activities with all those involved in the A.V.A. system;
  • Supports the University Quality Control Committee and provides secretarial and reporting duties;
  • Supervises, advises and coordinates the activities of the administrative-teaching secretariats of the university departments in the field of educational planning, in accordance with provisions in force;
  • Maintains relations with local stakeholders involved in university teaching;
  • Promotes and oversees the internationalization the educational programs offered by the university, in particular through the establishment of international double degrees, in collaboration with the international relations office;
  • Handles management, implementation and updating of diploma supplement services;
  • Carries out simulations and sustainability analysis of the educational and training programs offered;
  • Oversees applications for teaching management (planning, logistics and others of competence)
  • Performs statistical processing on student databases for University structures and external bodies
  • Provides technical support for users.


ilmiolavoro S.r.l

Quality assurance system

Ilmiolavoro srl has its own system of Quality management which it set up on its own.

The policy for quality is based on the following objectives:

  • Focusing attention on customer satisfaction
  • Putting efforts on VALUE creation perceived by customer /beneficiary
  • Continuously implementing NEW SOLUTIONS for the customer /beneficiary
  • Producing KNOWLEDGE with the involvement of all company resources
  • Promoting, for each staff resource, continuous growing processes in COMPETENCES needed to achieve his/her practical goals
  • Improving the company management and the Quality of resources (with a special focus on human resources)

In order to establish how the general objectives are to be reached, every year ilmiolavoro draws up a detailed document for the Quality management system, first and formost for improvement plans. Applying the System for Quality and achieving mentioned OBJECTIVES is the working result of each staff resource in the company. The Quality Handbook, Procedures and Practical Instructions promote the commitment of all staff resources to act in this way.

The Quality handbook describes the approach by processes: beyond the transversal processes for Quality (Planning; managing documents and records; managing resources; monitoring and measuring; time managing; revision by Board), the main processes linked to ilmiolavoro business are the following:

  • R&D in the learning field;
  • Designing (business and calls/EU programmes);
  • Providing and implementing services;
  • customer /beneficiary satisfaction