Didactic quality assessment for innovation of teaching and improvement of learning
QUAL.I.T.I. is an international project (Erasmus + program) led by the University of L’Aquila (Italy) focusing on the quality of university teaching. Studies have revealed that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been focusing more and more on the quality of research results, paying less attention to the quality of their teaching. As a result, there is a widespread perception that teaching represents a relatively neglected activity in higher education (SWD (2017) 164, pp. 35-39). The available literature on this topic sheds light on the need for greater transparency of teaching quality and a demand for clear data obtained through assessment indicators focused on teaching, in order allow for performance comparisons among Higher Education Institutions. Hence, the main aim of the project is to enhance the quality of university teaching through systemic and integrated institutional action.
Qual.i.t.i. Partners
- Lead Partner: University of L’Aquila (Italy)
- Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
- Universitatea Valahia Targoviste (Romania)
- Vilniaus Universitetas (Lithuania)
- Siuolaikiniu Didaktiku Centras-SDC (Lithuania)
- Szczecinska Szkola Wyzsza Collegium Balticum (Poland)
- Ilmiolavoro-IML(Italy)
Qual.i.t.i. Project Coordinator
QUALITI Objectives
- Increasing the ability to provide evidence of teaching quality with the acquisition of integrated data;
- Improving the ability to compare teaching performance among HEIs;
- Enhancing the capacity of HEIs to pursue objectives of continued professional development;
- and life-long learning through a validated teaching quality recognition system within each HEI;
- Fostering pedagogical training and professional development of teaching staff to enhance the quality of teaching.